Images of Africa Photobank logo
Samburu girl - kcpssl01
Male lion - kclisl01

Images of Africa Photobank

We really know Africa

All images on this website are © copyright pictures

Cheetah - kdchsy02 Wildebeest - kdwbsf01 Impala - tdimsa01 Zebra - tczcsg01

About Us.

Images of Africa Photobank is owned by David Keith Jones, FRPS. It has been operating in England since 1989, and is Registered as Business Name number 2213969.

We represent over 20 photographers, many of whom live and work in Africa.

Others are associated with research and aid schemes operating in Africa.

Images of Africa Photobank is a member of BAPLA, the British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies.
BAPLA was founded in 1975 as the trade association for the Picture Library industry in the UK. We have been members of BAPLA since January, 1990.

We are also members of CEPIC, the Coordination of European Picture Agencies.

You can visit BAPLA�s website by clicking here.


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© Images of Africa Photobank 2005